Wageningen Meetup

Reserve your seat

Hello FoodHack Community,

Our Wageningen meetup is coming up in 2 weeks and our seats are getting full! Make sure you register in time here!

We look forward to seeing you!

Anna Pogrányi, Jean Boudillon, Esra Onat and Marcelo Oliveira

More about the meetup

We will deepdive on how to develop sustainable products better for people and better for planet – this time with focus on the ingredients. 3 experienced entrepreneurs passionate about this field will share their story with us.

34 Billion tonnes of CO2 emissions are emitted each year and the climate is warming 10x faster than in 65 million years. The time is running out… But at FoodHack, we truly believe we can reduce GHG emissions, restore biodiversity and realise a more sustainable future for all if we act as changemakers.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, an investor, a professional, a student or an enthusiast in the Food and Agriculture space, this will be a good opportunity to come together, talk about this important topic and connect.

Topic: Harvesting Hope: Ingredients for a vibrant tomorrow

Guest Speakers - 3 experienced entrepreneurs passionate about this field will share their story with us:

Q&A: you will have the opportunity to raise questions to the speakers



Are you launching a new product? Are you looking for your next R&D expert or your next CEO? Are you looking for a collaboration? Join our 30-second pitch session and share your business update with the audience (open to anyone).


Networking with Food & Drinks thanks to the delicious bites from Revyve and refreshing sodas from Mojo Maté


Date: Thursday, 28th Sept, 2023

Hour: 17:00 - 19:30 [GMT+1]

Language: English

Partner & Venue: Unilever Foods Innovation Centre - Hive, Bronland 14, 6708 WH Wageningen. How to get there


The event is free but registration is necessary